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Znaleziono 13 wyników

  1. Jazzmeia Horn - A Social Call (2017) Artist: Jazzmeia Horn Album: A Social Call Year Of Release: 2017 Genre: Vocal Jazz Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 320 kbps Total Time: 00:56:39 Total Size: 134 MB
  2. Rick Braun - Around The Horn (2017) [FLAC] Artist: Rick Braun Album: Around The Horn Year Of Release: 2017 Genre: Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks+auCDtect) Bitrate: Lossless Total Time: 00:52:16 Total Size: 338 MB
  3. Horn - Turm Am Hang (2017) INFO Title: Turm Am Hang Artist : Horn Year : 2017 Genre: Black Metal Packed size: 131 MB Format : MP3 Bitrate : 320Kbps Tracklist : 01 - Alles In Einem Schnitt 02 - Turm Am Hang 03 - Verhallend In Landstrichen 04 - Die Mit Dem Bogen Auf Dem Kreuz 05 - ?,(h)renschnitter 06 - Totenr?umer 07 - Lanz Und Spie?? 08 - Bastion, Im Seegang Tauber Fels 09 - The Sky Has Not Always Been This Way
  4. Horn - Turm Am Hang (2017) Horn - Turm Am Hang (2017) Gatunek / Genre: Black Metal Czas trwania / Time: 47 : 13 min Jako??Ä? / Quality: Mp3 Bitrate: 192 kbps Ca??kowity rozmiar / Total Size: 78 mb . Tracklista: 1. Alles In Einem Schnitt 2. Turm Am Hang 3. Verhallend In Landstrichen 4. Die Mit Dem Bogen Auf Dem Kreuz 5. ??(h)renschnitter 6. Totenr?¤umer 7. Lanz Und Spie?? 8. Bastion, Im Seegang Tauber Fels 9. The Sky Has Not Always Been This Way (When Bitter Spring Sleeps cover) Download: Has??o: brak
  5. Artist: Shirley Horn Title: But Beautiful: The Best Of Shirley Horn Year Of Release: 2005 Label: Verve Genre: Vocal Jazz Quality: MP3/320 kbps Total Time: 63:09 Total Size: 144 mb Tracklist: 01. I Just Found Out About Love (2:27) 02. You Won't Forget Me (7:11) 03. You Don't Know Me (2:59) 04. The Great City (2:06) 05. Fever (4:45) 06. If You Love Me (6:05) 07. A Time For Love (6:45) 08. Come Dance With Me (2:52) 09. Nice 'n' Easy (4:54) 10. But Beautiful (4:43) 11. Here's To Life (5:37) 12. Jelly, Jelly (Bonus Track) (4:54) 13. Loads Of Love (Bonus Track) (3:08) 14. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (Bonus Track) (4:43) Personnel: Shirley Horn - vo, p Miles Davis, Roy Hargrove, Wynton Marsalis - tp; Richard Todd - frhn Buck Hill - sax Alan Broadbent - p George Mesterhazy - g Steve Williams - d Harvey Mason, Sr. - perc and other
  6. Artist: Eric Alexander Title: Man With A Horn Year Of Release: 1997 Label: Alfa Music Genre: Jazz Quality: FLAC (tracks) / MP3 Total Time: 01:00:01 Total Size: 352 MB / 138 MB Tracklist: 1. Man With A Horn 2. Unsung Hero 3. A Time For Love 4. G C C J 5. Midnight Waltz 6. My Shinig Hour 7. Stars Fell On Alabama 8. I Found You 9. Fiesta Espagnola Personnel: Eric Alexander - tenor saxophone; Cedar Walton - piano; Dwayne Burno - bass; Joe Farnsworth - drums; Jim Rotondi - trumpet (4,5,8); Steve Davis - trombone (4,5,8). Eric Alexander can play the tenor saxophone. Armed with a love for the masters and the ability to take their sonic images into his own realm, he is reaching the goal of attaining a personal sound. His tone, ideas, and embellishments are straight-ahead and swinging. His capacity for bluesy, soulful outbursts or fluttery Coltrane-like phrases and the sheer lyrical quality of his improvisations should command your attention. Backed on this CD by the all-time great pianist Cedar Walton and young chums bassist Dwayne Burno and drummer Joe Farnsworth, Alexander has all the tools necessary to build a skyscraper of great jazz music, and he does. There are three Jazz Messengers-like cuts that stand above the rest, with trombonist Steve Davis and trumpeter Jim Rotundi jumpin' in. They, the leader, and Farnsworth are all in the excellent ensemble One for All, and if you like these, you should also pick up on their recordings. The larger ensemble numbers "GCCJ," Walton's famous "Midnight Waltz" (aka "Twilight Waltz"), and the Davis original "I Found You" all pop and burn. The first has a singsong boppin' melody, the waltz is fairly up and even-keeled, and the original has a slight bossa feel married to a lovely melody. All are outstanding. The rest of the material also stands tall -- a hip funk original of Alexander's "Unsung Hero" might be the highlight of the disc and Walton's "Fiesta Espanola" is supercharged and exciting, while Alexander's prowess on ballads is never more delicately executed than during "Stars Fell on Alabama." It should be noted that Walton's performance, as well as his influence on these proceedings, takes the music up several notches. Alexander has made some very solid CDs, and at a comparably young age (he was 28 during these sessions) is making a bid for being the very best young tenor saxophonist on the scene today. This CD is highly recommended for its content and for the excellent recording techniques that let Alexander and his buddies flourish. -- Michael G. Nastos
  7. Horn Sam Intryguj PrzyciÄ?gnij uwagÄ? i zdobywaj klient??w Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Jak dotrzeÄ? do ludzi, na kt??rych ci zale??y? ??yjemy w czasach nadmiaru informacji i ludzie nie po??wiÄ?cajÄ? im ju?? g??Ä?bszej uwagi. Je??eli chcesz dotrzeÄ? do kogo?? ze swoim przekazem, musisz przygotowaÄ? interesujÄ?cÄ? tre??Ä?, kt??ra zaintryguje twojego rozm??wcÄ? â?? niewa??ne, czy chodzi o bliskÄ? ci osobÄ?, czy te?? o potencjalnego partnera biznesowego. Ludzie nie chcÄ? dzi?? kolejnych informacji â?? chcÄ? byÄ? zaintrygowani. Problem w tym, ??e trzeba to zrobiÄ? szybko. Najlepiej w ciÄ?gu pierwszych o??miu sekund rozmowy. Dlaczego? Bo tak kr??tki jest nasz zakres uwagi. D??u??szy majÄ? z??ote rybki. Jak to zrobiÄ?? Odpowied?? zna Sam Horn, specjalistka z zakresu komunikacji i autorka wielu bestsellerowych ksiÄ???ek. Jej o??mioetapowy proces Intrigue uczy, w jaki spos??b przekszta??ciÄ? nudne i prze??adowane tre??ciÄ? wystÄ?pienia w sp??jnÄ?, przekonujÄ?cÄ? i skutecznÄ? komunikacjÄ? dwustronnÄ?. Dla kogo? Dla ka??dego, kto siÄ? komunikuje i chce nawiÄ?zywaÄ? relacje z innymi: dla przedsiÄ?biorc??w, specjalist??w sprzeda??y i marketingu, ludzi wolnych zawod??w, lider??w i zwyk??ych ludzi. Ale jeszcze raz, dlaczego? Je??eli nie przykujesz uwagi swojego rozm??wcy, to nigdy nie nawiÄ???esz z nim g??Ä?bszej relacji, a to oznacza, ??e nie otworzy przed tobÄ? swojego sercaâ?? ani portfela. Innowacyjne techniki opracowane przez Sam dowiod??y swojej skuteczno??ci, pomagajÄ?c jej klientom zdobywaÄ? kontrakty i zarobiÄ? miliony dolar??w. Teraz to mo??e byÄ? tak??e i twoja â?žtajemna metodaâ? zdobywania pieniÄ?dzy, pracy i awansu. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 426 MB czas trwania: 05h 56m 30s bit rate: 192kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Masza Bogucka BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
  8. Prokurator Alicja Horn [1933] Opis: Jan Winkler prosi s??awnego profesora Brunickiego o po??yczenie tysiÄ?ca z??otych. Profesor wrÄ?cza mu czek, ??Ä?dajÄ?c w zamian przyprowadzenia m??odych dziewczyn, potrzebnych mu do bada?? naukowych. Winkler zostaje w??a??cicielem nocnego lokalu i spe??nia dane przyrzeczenie... Poznaje prokuratora, AlicjÄ? Horn, i zako[beeep]e siÄ? w niej z wzajemno??ciÄ?. Po pewnym czasie Winkler zaczyna siÄ? jednak interesowaÄ? jej wychowanicÄ?, JulkÄ?. Pod zarzutem morderstwa zostaje aresztowany. Nie chce jednak obciÄ???aÄ? profesora i milczy, wobec czego Alicja ??Ä?da dla niego kary ??mierci. Z listu Julki dowiaduje siÄ?, ??e Winkler jÄ? zdradza??. W ostatniej chwili zjawia siÄ? na sali sÄ?dowej Brunicki i sk??ada zeznanie, kt??re powoduje uniewinnienie Winklera. Ale ??ycie i uczucie Alicji jest zdruzgotane. Produkcja: Polska Rok produkcji: 1933 Premiera: 1933. 12. 23 Okladka/Screeny: Tworcy i Obsada: Re??yseria - Micha?? Waszy??ski, Marta Flantz Scenariusz - Boles??aw Land, Marta Flantz w napisach nazwisko: Flanz ZdjÄ?cia - Albert Wywerka Scenografia - Jacek Rotmil Muzyka - W??adys??aw Dan Kierownictwo produkcji - Maria Hirszbein Produkcja Leo-Film Obsada aktorska : Jadwiga Smosarska - prokurator Alicja Horn Zofia Mirska - Julka Horn, wychowanica Alicji Bogus??aw Samborski - profesor Karol Brunicki Franciszek Brodniewicz - Bohdan Drucki vel Jan Winkler i inni Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 500 MB czas trwania: 47m 52s Video Codec..: XviD Video Bitrate: 1460 kb/s Audio Bitrate: 96 kb/s Frame Size...: 832x624 rodzaj kompresji: brak zawartosc uploadu: plik .avi wersja jezykowa: Polska haslo: brak Download:
  9. Artist: Marie Luise Neunecker, Paul Rivinius Title: Russian Horn Concertos Year Of Release: 1994 Label: Universal Classics & Jazz Genre: Classical Quality: APE (tracks) Total Time: 01:01:34 Total Size: 209 Mb Tracklist: 01 Horn Concerto Op. 91 - I. Allegro - Gliere, Reinhold 02 Horn Concerto Op. 91 - II. Andante - Gliere, Reinhold 03 Horn Concerto Op. 91 - III. Moderato - Allegro vivace - Gliere, Reinhold 04 Four Pieces for Horn and Piano Op. 35 - No. 6 Romance - Gliere, Reinhold 05 Four Pieces for Horn and Piano Op. 35 - No. 7 Valse triste - Gliere, Reinhold 06 Four Pieces for Horn and Piano Op. 35 - No. 11 Intermezzo - Gliere, Reinhold 07 Four Pieces for Horn and Piano Op. 35 - No. 10 Nocturne - Gliere, Reinhold 08 Reverie, Op. 24 - Glazunov, Alexander 10 Idyll (Andante) - Glazunov, Alexander 11 Concertino Op. 14 No. 2 - I. Andante cantabile - Allegro moderator - Shebalin, Vissarion 12 Concertino Op. 14 No. 2 - II. Andante - Shebalin, Vissarion 13 Concertino Op. 14 No. 2 - III. Vivo - Shebalin, Vissarion Performers: Marie Luise Neunecker (French Horn), Paul Rivinius (piano), Bamberg SO/Werner Andreas Albert
  10. Rapid Results Method by Russ Horn English | MPEG-4 @ 858 Kbps | 1280 x 720 @ 23.976 fps | AAC at 78.5 Kbps; 2 ch | 3.8 Gb Genre: eLearning, Forex Trading Rapid Results Method is an extensive training, mentoring, and signal recognition alert system that covers everything people need to get set up and start trading Forex. Due to the ease of use, Rapid Results Method is a great tool for both the experienced and rookie FOREX trader. A Rapid Results Method trading system is specifically designed to win in today's troubled times. This means that the volatility of the market today actually helps people trade the markets and make a real and substantial profit. This program works in today's emotion driven, frightened FOREX market as the technology used in Rapid Results Method analyzes larger amounts of data at faster speeds than has ever been known before. A few hours is all people need to understand exactly how Rapid Results Method works, and they can then start trading; the system is simple to learn - no matter what their level of FOREX trading knowledge. People only need to spend minutes of their precious spare time means that even the most time starved individuals can take advantage of making money trading FOREX The system is set up to allow you to start trading and making profits right from the word go. No long, tedious learning curve - just get going and get earning straight away. It's so hard for even the most experienced traders to make real money because the market conditions have changed so much over the past few years and we're in economic times that just have not existed before. Rapid Results Method is unique. There's nothing else like it on the market today, and it's been designed to work for busy people like you, in tumultuous times - exactly as we are experiencing right now. This Forex trading method has been created for today's very market conditions and it has turned everything that most people hold dear about trading completely upside down. DOWNLOAD
  11. J. D. Horn - The Source (Witching Savannah #2) Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Fantasy | English | ISBN-13: 9781477820148 | MP3 64Kb | Length: 10 hrs and 56 mins | 304.31 MB Graceful trees and historic buildings fill Savannah, Georgia, but beneath the city's Southern splendor, its supernatural roots run deep. The members of local witch families grace the society pages...when they're not secretly protecting their magical work from dark forces. Savannah resident Mercy Taylor may now be in control of the South's most powerful family of witches, but she's struggling to master her newfound magic. Pregnant with her first child and still reeling from a heartbreaking betrayal, she just wants to be able to use her supernatural abilities without accidentally destroying dishes or blasting the doors off buildings. But when Mercy's long-presumed-dead mother suddenly returns, begging Mercy to keep her presence under wraps, the witch wonders how many secrets her family is hiding...and who she can really trust. And when the danger around her intensifies to deadly levels, Mercy knows she must discover the truth behind her family's magic-before it destroys her. Download Link
  12. Artist: Shit and Shine Album: Powder Horn Released: 2014 Style: Experimental Format: MP3 320Kbps Size: 141 Mb Tracklist: 01 - Hiss 02 - You Can't 03 - Pearl Drop 04 - PG 13 05 - Blowhannon 06 - Who's Your Waitress 07 - Value 08 - Astro's Hat 09 - Acid Minor 10 - Bingo 11 - Shower Curtain 12 - Spray Bottle
  13. Artist: Shit and Shine Album: Powder Horn Released: 2014 Style: Experimental Format: MP3 320Kbps Size: 141 Mb Tracklist: 01 - Hiss 02 - You Can't 03 - Pearl Drop 04 - PG 13 05 - Blowhannon 06 - Who's Your Waitress 07 - Value 08 - Astro's Hat 09 - Acid Minor 10 - Bingo 11 - Shower Curtain 12 - Spray Bottle
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