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Three Card Murder (The Impossible Crimes Series, Book 1) - [AUDIOBOOK] m4b | 265 MB | Author: J.L. Blackhurst | Year: 2023 Description: Category:Mystery & Thrillers, Police Stories, Detective Fiction, Women Detectives - Fiction, British & Irish Police - Fiction, Detective Fiction - Locked-Room Mysteries & Impossible Crimes, Women Cops - Fiction Download Link:
Joker / Wild Card (2015) PL.WEB-DL.Xvid-KiT / Lektor PL
Card Orson Scott W przededniu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Prequel bestsellerowej serii o Enderze. Sto lat przed wydarzeniami opisanymi w â?žGrze Enderaâ? ludzie sadzili, ze sa sami w Galaktyce. Ludzkosc powoli torowala sobie droge z Ziemi do planet i asteroid Ukladu Slonecznego, prowadzac prace badawcze, pozyskujac mineraly i zakladajac kolonie. Statek g??rniczy El Cavador znajduje sie z dala od Ziemi, w glebi pasa Kuipera, za Plutonem. Tak daleko od macierzystej planety malo jest innych statk??w g??rniczych oraz mieszkajacych na nich rodzin i sa one rozproszone. Kiedy wiec teleskopy El Cavadora wykrywaja w granicach ukladu szybko poruszajacy sie obiekt, nie wiadomo, co o nim sadzic. Jest olbrzymi i porusza sie niemal z predkoscia swiatla. Lecz statek g??rniczy ma tez inne problemy. Jest stary, jego uklady sie psuja. Rodzina staje sie zbyt duza. Niekt??re korporacje przynosza do pasa Kuipera stosowana w pasie asteroid taktyke zajmowania szyb??w. Przejmowanie sie odleglym obiektem, kt??ry moze, ale nie musi byc statkiem obcych, wydaje sie... niewazne. Ci, kt??rzy tak mysla, myla sie. To najwazniejsze wydarzenie, z jakim zetknela sie rasa ludzka na przestrzeni miliona lat. To pierwszy kontakt ludzkosci z obca rasa. W powietrzu wisi pierwsza wojna z Formidami. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 622 MB czas trwania: 15h 29m 18s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Kamil Pruban BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Card Orson Scott Mither Mages Tom 02 Z??odziej wr??t Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Ziemia moze byc planeta sluzaca za wiezienie Ziemianie nigdy by nie przypuszczali, ze ich planeta moze okazac sie najlepiej strzezonym miejscem w Galaktyce. Orson Scott Card przedstawia wsp??lczesna basn o klanie mag??w przebywajacych na wygnaniu w naszym swiecie. Rozejm z innymi klanami potrwa do czasu gdy narodziny Dannyâ??ego Northa stana sie faktem i roznieca na nowo plomien wojny. Danny North jest magiem wr??t, pierwszym od tysiaca lat, i moze otworzyc zamki, broniace dostepu do ich wsp??lnej ojczyzny, swiata Westilu. Jednak jest bardzo niedoswiadczony i moze latwo dac sie podejsc. To, ze Danny North jest najpotezniejszym magiem na Ziemi i Westilu, wcale nie ulatwia mu zycia w szkole sredniej. Spontanicznie czynione przez niego cuda tylko utrudniaja ukrywanie sie przed Rodzinami, kt??re chca albo nim zawladnac, albo zgladzic. Danny wie, ze gotowe sa wykorzystac przeciwko niemu nawet jego przyjaci??l. I zaczyna podejrzewac, ze popelnil wielki blad, poslugujac sie do stworzenia Wielkich Wr??t zniewolona moca dawno niezyjacych mag??w. Tymczasem na Westilu zwyciezony Zlodziej Wr??t zachowal niewielka czesc mocy. Przed Dannym wielkie wyzwanie. Czy jego niewiedza o wielkiej wojnie sprzed stuleci, otworzy wielkiemu wrogowi przejscie miedzy swiatami? Odtracona kochanka kr??la tylko czyha na jego blad. Orson Scott Card (ur. 1951) â?? jeden z najbardziej popularnych autor??w science fiction. Debiutowal w wieku 26 lat opowiadaniem â?žGra Enderaâ?, kt??re zostalo p??zniej rozbudowane do rozmiar??w powiesci. Zapoczatkowala ona kultowy cykl. Do najslynniejszych utwor??w autora naleza ponadto: cykl o Alvinie Stw??rcy, â?žGlizdawceâ? czy saga â?žPowr??t do domuâ?. â?žZlodziej Wr??tâ? to druga po â?žZaginionych wrotachâ? czesc nowej serii mlodziezowej autora. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 552 MB czas trwania: 13h 44m 37s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wojciech ??o??Ä?dkowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download: wrot.czyt.W.Zoladkowicz.rar
Card Orson Scott Mither Mages Tom 01 Zaginione wrota Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Historia dw??ch r??wnoleglych swiat??w - Ziemi oraz planety Westil Dan North jest mieszkancem Ziemi. Wychowuje sie w prastarej rodzinie, od kt??rej nie moze oczekiwac milosci, wsp??lczucia czy chociazby najmniejszych oznak sympatii. Agresja i jawna niechec do chlopca jest wywolana tym, ze Danny nie potrafi powolywac do zycia lesnych duszk??w, golem??w, trolli, jak cala jego rodzina. Jest odporny na nauke magii. Danny martwi sie, ze sam nigdy nie odkryje w sobie zadnego talentuâ?? Nie zdaje sobie sprawy z tego, ze jest pierwszym od tysiaca lat magiem wr??t, kt??re bronia rodzinie North??w i jej wrogom dostepu do wsp??lnej ojczyzny, swiata Westilâ?? Dopiero, gdy zrozumie jaka role ma spelnic i otworzyc "Wielkie Wrota". Orson Scott Card (ur. 1951) â?? jeden z najbardziej popularnych autor??w science fiction. Debiutowal w wieku 26 lat opowiadaniem â?žGra Enderaâ?; zostalo ono p??zniej rozbudowane do rozmiar??w powiesci, kt??ra zapoczatkowala kultowy cykl. â?žW przededniuâ? to jego prequel. Opis uploadu: wielkosc paczki: 561 MB czas trwania: 13h 58m 22s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Wojciech ??o??Ä?dkowicz BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo: Brak Download:
Card Orson Scott Gra Endera Okladka/Screeny: Opis: Wobec smiertelnego zagrozenia nadciagajacego z kosmosu Ziemia przygotowuje swoja bron ostatniej nadziei. Zagrozona zniszczeniem przez robale - prawdopodobne, obce istoty spoza ukladu slonecznego - ludzkosc ucieka sie do niecodziennej metody: wybiera sposr??d urodzonych na calym swiecie dzieci te najinteligentniejsze i od najmlodszych lat szkoli je na zolnierzy, kt??rzy maja pokierowac ziemskimi silami kosmicznymi w rozgrywce o smierc i zycie. Najlepszym sposr??d kadet??w jest Andrew Wiggin nazwany przez siostre Valentine "Enderem" - chlopiec, w kt??rym odkryto niezwykly geniusz wojskowy. Czas nagli, a przyszlosc dw??ch cywilizacji spoczywa w rekach dzieckaâ?? Opis uploadu: Wielkosc calosci: 559 MB Czas: 13h 02m 03s Bit rate: 96kbps Rodzaj kompresji: .rar Zawartosc uploadu: plik .mp3 Wersja jezykowa: polska Czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 325 MB czas trwania : 12h 22m 28s bit rate: 32kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czytaja: koles750 i Magia Oprawa muzyczna, montaz oraz efekty specjalne : Cello BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download:
The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card (1980) FLAC Label: Arista [25RS-107] Country: UK Genre: Progressive rock,Soft rock Quality: Vinyl Rip/FLAC (*tracks,scans) Bitrate: Lossless [192kHz/24bit] Time: 40:10 Full Size: 1,69 Gb Tracklist: May Be A Price To Pay Games People Play Time I Don't Wanna Go Home The Gold Bug The Turn Of A Friendly Card i. The Turn Of A Friendly Card (Part 1) ii. Snake Eyes iii. The Ace Of Swords iv. Nothing Left To Lose v. The Turn Of A Friendly Card (Part 2)
Card Orson Scott Ksenocyd Okladka/Screeny: Opis: TRZECI TOM KULTOWEGO CYKLU CARDA Ender jako chlopiec uratowal Ziemie przed najazdem Robali, ale wdziecznosc ludzi nie trwala dlugo. Wina za wymordowanie obcej rasy obarczyli tego, kt??ry ich uratowal. Natomiast M??wca Umarlych, tw??rca odnowy moralnej, kt??ry glosi szacunek dla wszelkiej formy zycia, cieszy sie uznaniem i podziwem. Nikt nie wie, ze Ender i M??wca to ta sama osoba. Ten ostatni zostaje wezwany na planete Lusitanie, gdzie odkryto kolejna forme inteligentnego zycia. Prosiaczki po smierci ich pierwszej formy cielesnej przyjmuja forme drzewa. Okazuje sie, ze w procesie przejscia konieczny jest udzial myslacego wirusa, kt??ry zagraza zyciu ludzi. Kongres miedzyplanetarny wydaje rozkaz zniszczenia planety. Kryzys narasta... Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 582 MB czas trwania : 21h 10m 38s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download:
Card Orson Scott Mowca umarlych Okladka/Screeny: Opis: DRUGI TOM KULTOWEGO CYKLU CARDA W 1830 Roku, po utworzeniu Gwiezdnego Kongresu, automatyczny statek zwiadowczy przeslal ansiblem raport: parametry planety, kt??ra badal, miescily sie w przedziale odpowiednim dla zycia ludzi. Pierwsi ludzie, kt??rzy zobaczyli nowy swiat, byli Portugalczykami z mowy, Brazylijczykami z kultury i katolikami z wyznania. W Roku 1886 zeszli z pokladu promu, przezegnali sie i nadali planecie imie Lusitania, co bylo starozytna nazwa Portugalii. W piec dni p??zniej zorientowali sie, ze niewielkie, lesne zwierzeta, kt??re nazwali pequeninos â?? prosiaczki â?? wcale nie byly zwierzetami. Po raz pierwszy od czasu Ksenocydu Robali, popelnionego przez tego potwora Endera, ludzkosc napotkala obce, inteligentne istoty... z Prologu Kontynuacja Gry Endera. Niezagrozona ludzkosc zaczyna wsp??lczuc pokonanym napastnikom i skazuje Endera na banicje. Tymczasem otwartosc Ziemian zostanie wystawiona na pr??be przez kolejne zjawienie sie obcych. Ksiazka zdobyla prestizowe nagrody Hugo i Nebuli. ORSON SCOTT CATRD â?? (ur. 1951) jeden z najbardziej popularnych autor??w gatunku science fiction. Debiutowal w wieku 26 lat opowiadaniem Gra Endera, kt??re zostalo potem rozbudowane do rozmiar??w powiesci. Zapoczatkowala ona kultowy cykl. Za Gre Endera w Roku 1986 zdobyl prestizowa nagrode literacka - Hugo, oraz nagrode w dziedzinie literatury fantastycznej - Nebule. Rok p??zniej powt??rzyl te dwa osiagniecia dzieki kontynuacji watku w M??wcy Umarlych. Takze kolejne tomy (Ksenocyd i Dzieci Umyslu) ciesza sie ogromna popularnoscia. Ostatnim tytulem z cyklu, fabularnie plasujacym sie pomiedzy tomem pierwszym a drugim, jest Ender na wygnaniu. Orson Scott Card jest autorem ponad 53 powiesci, 68 opowiadan, 17 dramat??w, wielu audycji, sluchowisk, sztuk teatralnych i esej??w. Do najslynniejszych utwor??w autora naleza ponadto: cykl o Alvinie Stw??rcy, Glizdawce czy saga Powr??t do domu. Jego ksiazki zostaly przetlumaczone na 16 jezyk??w, w tym polski. W tw??rczosci Carda ogromna role odgrywa wyznawana przez niego religia mesjanistyczna. Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 403 MB czas trwania : 14h 39m 11s bit rate: 64kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Download:
Card Orson Scott Ender na wygnaniu Okladka/Screeny: Opis: â?žEnder na wygnaniuâ? to d??ugo wyczekiwana odpowied?? na pytanie drÄ?czÄ?ce czytelnik??w: co dzia??o siÄ? z Enderem miÄ?dzy â?žGrÄ? Enderaâ? a â?žM??wcÄ? Umar??ychâ?? Trzynastoletni Ender Wiggin powinien wracaÄ? do domu jako bohater po zwyciÄ?stwie odniesionym nad Robalami. Poniewa?? jednak jednocze??nie uznano go za niebezpiecznego i postanowiono trzymaÄ? z daleka od Ziemi, decyduje siÄ? na przyjÄ?cie stanowiska gubernatora pierwszej ludzkiej kolonii na planecie, kt??ra kiedy?? nale??a??a do wroga. Jego ukochana siostra Valentine do??Ä?cza do niego, ale nie jest w stanie zburzyÄ? muru, kt??ry wok???? siebie wzni??s??. DrÄ?czony wyrzutami sumienia z powodu Ksenob??jstwa Ender szuka przyczyny, dla kt??rej obcy pozwolili mu siÄ? unicestwiÄ?â?? Opis uploadu: wielkosc calosci: 616 MB czas trwania : 15h 35m 09s bit rate: 96kbps rodzaj kompresji: rar zawartosc uploadu: mp3 wersja jezykowa: PL czyta: Roch Siemianowski BRAK DANYCH NAPRAWCZYCH Haslo : Brak Download:
Card Orson Scott Dzieci umys??u Opis: Czwarty tom sagi o Enderze. Sojusznicy Endera wyruszajÄ? na spotkanie lusita??skiej flotylli sposobiÄ?cej siÄ? do zniszczenia planety zamieszkanej przez trzy rasy istot rozumnych. Czy uda im siÄ? nie dopu??ciÄ? do masakry? JakÄ? rolÄ? odegra Ender? Odpowiedzi na te pytania sÄ? bardziej zaskakujÄ?ce ni?? ktokolwiek m??g??by siÄ? spodziewaÄ?. Okladka/Screeny: Opis uploadu: Download:
Joker / Wild Card (2015) PL.480p.BRRip.Xvid.AC3-K12 / Lektor PL re??yseria: Simon West gatunek: Dramat, Krymina??, Akcja produkcja: USA premiera: 14 stycznia 2015 (??wiat) Uzale??niony od hazardu ochroniarz Nick Wild wykorzystuje zab??jcze umiejÄ?tno??ci, aby pom??ciÄ? pobitÄ? przez mafioza przyjaci????kÄ?.
Nazwa releasu: 7thShare Card Data Recovery Opis: Profesjonalne narzÄ?dzie do odzyskiwania plik??w SD, przeznaczone do odzyskiwania usuniÄ?tych plik??w, sformatowanych, uszkodzonych lub zagubionych zdjÄ?Ä?, plik??w muzycznych, dokument??w, film??w itp. Z dowolnej karty SD, CF, MMC, XD, SDHC i innych. Opis uploadu: Download:
Digital Drawing: Draw Geometric Mandalas - Create Your Custom Mandala Card MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 38M | 86 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Join my class today to learn how to create intricate and beautiful geometric mandalas. I will guide you through the whole process, from drawing your mandala to filling in color and applications. We will primarily be using Adobe Illustrator for this class. All you need is the software and a passion for creating. In addition, I will also guide you about how you can create a custom made beautiful mandala card for your own use. Head over to the Class Project Section for further information. Download link:]4ihej.Digital.Drawing.Draw.Geometric.Mandalas..Create.Your.Custom.Mandala.Card.rar.html]4ihej.Digital.Drawing.Draw.Geometric.Mandalas..Create.Your.Custom.Mandala.Card.rar]4ihej.Digital.Drawing.Draw.Geometric.Mandalas..Create.Your.Custom.Mandala.Card.rar]4ihej.Digital.Drawing.Draw.Geometric.Mandalas..Create.Your.Custom.Mandala.Card.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Creating an animated greeting card via Google Slides MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hours | Lec: 8 | 354 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English - Variation 2 This course is both creative and practical. The instructor will take you through the simple practical steps to access his shared folder of image resources, and then guide you - step-by-step - through the creation of a wonderful festive greetings card demonstrating transparency, movable text, movable objects and may other exciting features - all using Google Slide transitions available for free to any user. The clear and practical guidance will ensure an effective outcome. The skills acquired will allow you to create many useful card variations and also to incorporate animated transitions into your slide shows. Download link:]]]] Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Digital Drawing: Draw Geometric Mandalas - Create Your Custom Mandala Card MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 38M | 86 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English Join my class today to learn how to create intricate and beautiful geometric mandalas. I will guide you through the whole process, from drawing your mandala to filling in color and applications. We will primarily be using Adobe Illustrator for this class. All you need is the software and a passion for creating. In addition, I will also guide you about how you can create a custom made beautiful mandala card for your own use. Head over to the Class Project Section for further information. DOWNLOAD
Creating an animated greeting card via Google Slides MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hours | Lec: 8 | 354 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English - Variation 2 This course is both creative and practical. The instructor will take you through the simple practical steps to access his shared folder of image resources, and then guide you - step-by-step - through the creation of a wonderful festive greetings card demonstrating transparency, movable text, movable objects and may other exciting features - all using Google Slide transitions available for free to any user. The clear and practical guidance will ensure an effective outcome. The skills acquired will allow you to create many useful card variations and also to incorporate animated transitions into your slide shows. Download link:]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Build a Credit Card Form Using javascript English | Size: 625.81 MB Category: Programming | E-learning In this short course youll learn how to build a validating credit card form using javascript. Youll be using Luhns algorithm for validation, and youll also explore a different method of filling in forms. Download link:]s3r2u.Build.a.Credit.Card.Form.Using.JavaScript.rar]s3r2u.Build.a.Credit.Card.Form.Using.JavaScript.rar.html]s3r2u.Build.a.Credit.Card.Form.Using.JavaScript.rar]s3r2u.Build.a.Credit.Card.Form.Using.JavaScript.rar]s3r2u.Build.a.Credit.Card.Form.Using.JavaScript.rar Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction
Skillfeed - Professional Business Card Design Tutorial In Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 English | 25m | AVC (.mp4) 960x540 15fps | AAC 32KHz 2ch | 67 Mb Genre: eLearning In this tutorial I will be showing you how to design a Professional Business Card with multiple options that was an actual job for a client of mine. Being able to offer multiple designs to a client is important, but being able to produce them quickly and efficiently is even more important. I will show you how to produce this entire design and save correctly for print. Please leave a 5 star rating and let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. DOWNLOAD
- skillfeed
- professional
- (i 12 więcej)
Udemy - Topps Profits: How To Make Money Selling Baseball Card Cases English | 2.5h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 481 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to sell Topps baseball card cases at wholesale prices on eBay by spending no money upfront on inventory. Only after you make a sale the wholesaler will ship your order to your customer. You never need to keep an inventory and you only buy the customers order after you make a sale. You make a profit. LATEST: Course is updated for month of May 2015. Learning Objectives: After taking this course, you'll be able to... * Product source baseball card cases and see exactly how to profit passive income every month. * Get a Tax ID and Business License in order to work with wholesalers in the U.S. * Start a business internationally and get retail products from anywhere in the world. * Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices. * Gain customers loyalty with superior customer service, because a repeat customer is always cheaper than having to find new customers. Customer loyalty is a re[beeep]e for long term profits. * Get new and repeat customer email signups in order to increase sales. * Learn the basics of email marketing and become less dependent of eBay. * Leverage an eCommerce store in order to increase sales (beginner lectures). * Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies). * Maximize your time in order to achieve success. You have enough time to accomplish your goals and much of your time is wasted. * Ask unlimited questions to the instructor and get help along the way to their success. * Captions were added to most lectures within the course. I recommend you turn on the CC and HD options to get a better viewing experience. You'll be able to read along with me and digest information better :) "Will this work in my country?" Yes, the course will teach you how to successfully do this from anywhere in the world. Those lectures are available to watch for free. Why you should listen: I've been selling online since 2006 and have sold over $750,000 in total. I started an online retail business and made my first sale 2 weeks later. While (not) studying to become a communication major at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, I was profiting $24,000 per year selling on eBay (that's a lot of beer money). Sales to date have been over $525,000.00 (this is confirmed in lecture 1 and 2). What effectively works for one person will effectively work the same for any other person. Only a very limited nuMber of people know this information. That means you'll have limited competition in this area to maximize your probability for success! DOWNLOAD
Udemy - Topps Profits: How To Make Money Selling Baseball Card Cases English | 2.5h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 481 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to sell Topps baseball card cases at wholesale prices on eBay by spending no money upfront on inventory. Only after you make a sale the wholesaler will ship your order to your customer. You never need to keep an inventory and you only buy the customers order after you make a sale. You make a profit. LATEST: Course is updated for month of May 2015. Learning Objectives: After taking this course, you'll be able to... * Product source baseball card cases and see exactly how to profit passive income every month. * Get a Tax ID and Business License in order to work with wholesalers in the U.S. * Start a business internationally and get retail products from anywhere in the world. * Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices. * Gain customers loyalty with superior customer service, because a repeat customer is always cheaper than having to find new customers. Customer loyalty is a re[beeep]e for long term profits. * Get new and repeat customer email signups in order to increase sales. * Learn the basics of email marketing and become less dependent of eBay. * Leverage an eCommerce store in order to increase sales (beginner lectures). * Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies). * Maximize your time in order to achieve success. You have enough time to accomplish your goals and much of your time is wasted. * Ask unlimited questions to the instructor and get help along the way to their success. * Captions were added to most lectures within the course. I recommend you turn on the CC and HD options to get a better viewing experience. You'll be able to read along with me and digest information better :) "Will this work in my country?" Yes, the course will teach you how to successfully do this from anywhere in the world. Those lectures are available to watch for free. Why you should listen: I've been selling online since 2006 and have sold over $750,000 in total. I started an online retail business and made my first sale 2 weeks later. While (not) studying to become a communication major at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, I was profiting $24,000 per year selling on eBay (that's a lot of beer money). Sales to date have been over $525,000.00 (this is confirmed in lecture 1 and 2). What effectively works for one person will effectively work the same for any other person. Only a very limited nuMber of people know this information. That means you'll have limited competition in this area to maximize your probability for success! DOWNLOAD
Topps Profits: How To Make $2,000 A Month Selling Card Cases English | 3 Hour | MP4 | 1280x720 | 60 kbps | 44 KHz | 476 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to sell Topps baseball card cases at wholesale prices on eBay by spending no money upfront on inventory. Only after you make a sale the wholesaler will ship your order to your customer. You never need to keep an inventory and you only buy the customers order after you make a sale. You make a profit. Learning Objectives: After taking this course, you'll be able to... Product source baseball card cases and see exactly how to profit an extra $24,000 a year. Get a Tax ID and Business License in order to work with wholesalers in the U.S. Start a business internationally and get retail products from anywhere in the world. Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices. Gain customers loyalty with superior customer service, because a repeat customer is always cheaper than having to find new customers. Customer loyalty is a re[beeep]e for long term profits. Get new and repeat customer email signups in order to increase sales. Learn the basics of email marketing and become less dependent of eBay. Leverage an eCommerce store in order to increase sales (beginner lectures). Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies). Maximize your time in order to achieve success. You have enough time to accomplish your goals and much of your time is wasted. Ask unlimited questions to the instructor and get help along the way to their success. Captions were added to most lectures within the course. I recommend you turn on the CC and HD options to get a better viewing experience. You'll be able to read along with me and digest information better :) "Will this work in my country?" Yes, the course will teach you how to successfully do this from anywhere in the world. Those lectures are available to watch for free. Why you should listen: I've been selling online since 2006 and have sold over $750,000 in total. I started an online retail business and made my first sale 2 weeks later. While (not) studying to become a communication major at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, I was profiting $24,000 per year selling on eBay (that's a lot of beer money). Sales to date have been over $525,000.00 (this is confirmed in lecture 1 and 2). What effectively works for one person will effectively work the same for any other person. Only a very limited nuMber of people know this information. That means you'll have limited competition in this area to maximize your probability for success! Scroll up and Enroll Now! What are the requirements? Only an internet connected computer/device (click the HD button for better video quality). An hour per day to update inventory and fulfill orders. Check your earnings and make even more money. Business license and Tax ID are required to show wholesalers you are a legitimate business (in the USA). Google "starting a business in [enter your location]" Find your country's legitimate website and apply to become a business in your country. You need to prove to wholesalers you have a legitimate business (applies to international students). What am I going to get from this course? Over 50 lectures and 2.5 hours of content! Product source baseball card cases and see exactly how to profit an extra $24,000 a year. Get a Tax ID and Business License in order to work with wholesalers in the U.S. Start a business internationally and get retail products from anywhere in the world. Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices. Gain customers loyalty with superior customer service, because a repeat customer is always cheaper than having to find new customers. Customer loyalty is a re[beeep]e for long term profits. Get new and repeat customer email signups in order to increase sales. Learn the basics of email marketing and become less dependent of eBay. Leverage an eCommerce store in order to increase sales (beginner lectures). Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies). Maximize your time in order to achieve success. You have enough time to accomplish your goals and much of your time is wasted. Ask unlimited questions to the instructor and get help along the way to their success. What is the target audience? Anyone who wants to make money on eBay, with no inventory upfront. Students in the U.S. will have a step by step process to get a Tax ID and business license to work with wholesalers. People from any country. The course is topic is based on the United States and different countries laws will apply and you need to figure it out for yourself by Googling "How to Start a Business [enter your location here]. This is not a get rich quick scheme, this guide will take time to implement, you need to put in the work to see the results. DOWNLOAD
Lynda - Designing a Business Card English | 1h 06m | AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 261 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to design a business card. In this course, designer Nigel French covers all aspects of the design process-from font choice to paper stock-so you can create a business card that is at once eye-catching and functional. He walks through what information to include, size and format considerations, and printing options. He also demonstrates how to set up a template and incorporate typography and imagery. Then he segues into two hands-on projects: a business card for a graphics design company and another for a coffee shop. These projects will help you understand how to apply the prin[beeep]les of good design in real-world context. Topics include: * Examining how layout, typography, and other elements add to a design * Incorporating imagery * Choosing paper stock * Using common business card sizes and formats * Printing options * Positioning logos and text * Preparing a business card for print DOWNLOAD
Orson Scott Card - Intergalactic Medicine Show Unabridged AudioBook | 2014 | Genre: Science Fiction | English | ISBN-13: 978-0765320001 | M4B 64Kb | Length: 13 hrs and 42 mins | 382.18 MB Too long to be a short story, too short to be a novel - welcome to the surprisingly potent world of the novelette. The award-winning magazine Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show has been an online haven for this powerful form of storytelling since 2005. Now its editors have selected their all-time favorite science fiction novelettes from the magazine's eight-year history and reprinted them together in one big book of listening pleasure. Anything that is remotely possible - futures near and far, artificial intelligence and alien encounters, alternate timelines and alternate theories about creating universes, planet-eating black holes and lunar racetracks - is all here under the big tent of Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show. This anthology features stories by such award-winning authors as Orson Scott Card, Wayne Wightman, Aliette de Bodard, Eric James Stone, Mary Robinette Kowal, Stephen Kotowych, Jackie Gamber, Greg Siewert, Jamie Todd Rubin, Brad R. Torgersen, and Marina J. Lostetter, plus an all-new essay by Orson Scott Card about writing the character of Ender. Download Link
Chronos Business Card Shop 6.0.1 Mac OS X Chronos Business Card Shop 6.0.1 + Keymaker CORE | MacOSX | 311 Mb Make a great first impression ????? in business and life. Business Card Shop is the #1 best-selling business card software for Macintosh. It includes everything you need to start making a great first impression. NEW! 200+ professionally-designed cards. Business Card Shop helps you put your best foot forward with a rich collection of stunning business cards. Use one of these pre-designed cards as-is or customize to your liking. In addition to regular horizontal and vertical card templates, enjoy double-sided templates, signature card templates, and folding/tent templates. There are templates for over 200 professions. First impressions are important. Your business card is often the first promotional material a person receives from your company. It's also the thing most people keep to remember you by. Business Card Shop will help you create a professional and memorable impression every time. NEW 6.0 FEATURE: 3D Headlines. Are you looking for an eye-catching way to present your business or product? If so, use a 3D headline to easily give your card a sophistication usually only achievable by professional designers. You get to control everything: the materials used for the headline, the lighting, the reflections, the 3-dimension perspective, and more. You'll be amazed how easy and fun it is to experiment with different looks. NEW 6.0 FEATURE: 9 New shapes and the ability to mirror Bezier shapes. Business Card Shop features 9 new smart shapes that have frequently been requested by users. These are "smart shapes" which means you can customize the shape to fit your exact needs. Plus, you can now mirror horizontally and vertically the Bezier shapes you create yourself. This makes it easy to create symmetrical shapes. NEW 6.0 FEATURE: Apply special effects to text & shapes and create QR codes. Have you ever wanted to apply a special effect to text or shapes? Now you can! This feature converts your text or shape to a high-resolution image which you can then customize with special effects, masks, etc. Business Card Shop also now supports QR codes which are useful for adverstising a web address that can be scanned by a smart phone. NEW 6.0 FEATURE: 20+ all-new templates show-off version 6 features. Version 6 includes some amazing new design features like the ability to convert shapes and text into images so special effect can be applied, new smart-shapes, Bezier shape mirroring, 3D headlines, and QR codes. These new templates demonstrate how to use these new features for spectacular results. and MUCH more ... Requires Mac OS X 10.10 Home Page - Download Links: