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Nazwa releasu: Sosna ?. - CodeIgniter. Zaawansowane tworzenie stron w PHP Opis: Wolisz proste rozwiÄ?zania? Mo??esz liczyÄ? na CodeIgniter! CodeIgniter to ni mniej, ni wiÄ?cej, tylko doskona??y framework, kt??rzy przyda siÄ? wszystkim programistom jÄ?zyka PHP. Pozwala on na szybkie i efektywne zaimplementowanie tych element??w stron czy aplikacji internetowych, kt??rych samodzielne przygotowanie jest trudne i czasoch??onne. Jego g????wne zalety to niewielkie wymagania co do serwera, na kt??rym ma dzia??aÄ? oprogramowanie, zapewnienie logicznego i wygodnego rozdzia??u element??w strony, brak potrzeby konfiguracji oraz ??wietna dokumentacja i ??yczliwa spo??eczno??Ä? u??ytkownik??w, chÄ?tnie dzielÄ?cych siÄ? z innymi swoim do??wiadczeniem w pracy z programem. Opis uploadu: Download:
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- codeigniter
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Oznaczone tagami:
Udemy - PHP MVC Framework CodeIgniter Tutorial for Beginners Project English | 11h | AVC (.MP4) 1280x720 30fps | AAC 44.1KHz 2ch | 1.98 Gb Genre: eLearning Learn how to use the Most Popular PHP MVC Framework and create the best applications, easily, securely and fast. NEW CodeIgniter CODE as of SepteMber 2015! BIGGEST CodeIgniter Course in UDEMY! Hands on Real Life Project inside! Do you want to really master PHP dynamic applications and website development? Then this course will speed up the process by allowing you to learn how to use the most popular PHP framework in the planet, "CodeIgniter". Coding in PHP or any other language can be time consuming, especially for common tasks. Using a framework is the best way to apply common tasks, like: Security Form validation Database configurations Database queries (CRUD) If you want to be a head of the competition and get paid more, then using a FRAMEWORK is the way to do. High paying jobs require knowledge of frameworks, since speed and accuracy are crucial for the development team and company. Having knowledge of using frameworks will allow you to find a hight paying job, or find a job easier than not having the skill at all. My Personal Experience My first job interview required a codeigniter knowledge and because I did not have the skill, I did not get the job even though I knew how to code in PHP. That jobs started at 75K per year in the US and that could've propelled big time in my career, it wasn't until after I acquired this skill that jobs were pouring in from everywhere. I created this course with the intention to provide you with the knowledge you need to use codeigniter to develop applications fast and efficiently. I also create this course to help you provide a great skill that will propel you in your web development career. Why Codeigniter? Because is the most popular PHP framework and is on demand for jobs and freelance projects. Full details What are the requirements? Basic OOP PHP What am I going to get from this course? Over 117 lectures and 10 hours of content! Learn to use CodeIgniter Learn to build Web Applications Have a new PHP Skill that would increase income What is the target audience? This is meant for students who want to developer PHP dynamic applications and websites faster This is meant for students who have basic Knowledge of OOP in PHP This is meant for students who want to become better at PHP This is meant for students who want to improve their careers or get a better one DOWNLOAD
Udemy - A Simple RESTful API using PHP & CodeIgniter English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 58 kbps | 44 KHz | 2 hours | 258 Mb Genre: eLearning Learn how to build a simple RESTful API with the basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality using CodeIgniter. As more and more web & mobile applications nowadays are being powered by RESTful APIs on the back-end, this course is a simple yet practical introduction to creating your first API in less than an hour. In this course, you'll learn how to build a very simple RESTful API using the CodeIgniter PHP framework. You'll learn how to: Use PHP and CodeIgniter to create fully RESTful APIs Leverage existing classes and frameworks to cut down development time Create a simple API with CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality Fetch user information from a real back-end MySQL database Restrict your API to certain keys or whitelisted IP addresses Sanitize and validate data using CodeIgniter's built in form validation libraries What are the requirements? Intermediate knowledge of PHP (5.3+) and MySQL Basic familiarity with the CodeIgniter framework is an asset Working local environment setup: LAMP/ XXAMP, WAMP, MAMP What am I going to get from this course? Over 12 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! Understand how to create a simple RESTful API with the basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) functionality Practical hands-on experience Tips & tricks for testing and debugging your API calls Pro tips to make working with your database a piece of cake More experience with CodeIgniter - the most popular PHP framework What is the target audience? This course is meant for people who are familiar with PHP and want to learn the basics of creating RESTful APIs. DOWNLOAD
Udemy - CodeIgniter - Learn CodeIgniter in 5 hours English | MP4 | 1280x720 | 61 kbps | 44 KHz | 1 hours | 131 Mb Genre: eLearning CodeIgniter : Learn MVC Framework CodeIgniter in just 5 hours. CodeIgniter is new generation PHP Framework Do you know about PHP? How good are you at PHP? I've got some best courses for you. "Learn CodeIgniter - From beginners to advance" is one out of those courses. There are many developers out their running many websites and companies. You can create your own company too. Having the knowledge of PHP is not enough. Every programmer knows the basic of its language and wants to expertise in it. This course contains all the knowledge of frameworks in PHP. CodeIgniter is one of the famous frameworks of PHP. On being a web developer since from last 6 years. I have created many websites on many frameworks. Now it's time for digital training. This course contains 10 video lectures with 1+ hour of training. Daily 10 minutes of training will make you expert of CodeIgniter in a few days. This course is structured from its basic level to an advance level. In the beginning of the course, you will learn how to step the CodeIgniter on your machine which gives a lot advantage to newbie. Right from there we will learn about various controllers and modules in CodeIgniter. Then we will start with Admin Building and move to creating an Admin login. After that we will create a dashboard and so on. DOWNLOAD
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- codeigniter
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